By Shariah Board, New York
Question: What is wrong with announcing SadaqatulFitr to be more than the stipulated amount?
Answer: It is incorrect to stipulate an amount which is not in accordance to the Quran and Hadtih. It is important for the committees of masajid to state what the shar’eeamount is. However, after knowing the sharee amount, if then people wish to give more, it is permissible.
Question: Why do Sadaqatul Fitrfigures vary so much in our masajid?
Answer:The varying amounts show that there is a lot of ignorance in this issue. The purpose of this publication is to educate the masses as to how to calculate the value of SadaqatulFitr.
Question: Is it correct to give the value of dates rather than wheat?
Answer: It is correct to give the value of dates (and barley) according to Imâm Abu Hanifah and Imam Abu Yûsuf (RA). However, the price of dates is very high. Therefore, if the value of dates is given, one will be paying a considerable amount more.
Question: Is it okay to pay SadaqatulFitr before Eid?
Answer: Yes, rather it is better if the poor get the money in time to celebrate Eid.
Question: Every year, my father pays Sadaqatul Fitr on Eid day on behalf of, my wife, my son and me. Is this okay? Someone told me that I should pay from my own pocket because I am earning. Could you please clarify?
Answer:It is true that you should pay the Sadaqatul Fitr yourself. However, if you requested your father to pay or your father informed you that he will pay and you consented, itis okay.
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