• Today is: 24 Jamadiul-Thani 1446 | December 26, 2024
  • Contact: (718) 426-3454, info@sbny.org
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Welcome to the Organized Maktab: 
It is your love for Deen and concern for the Islamic education and upbringing of your children, as well as the Muslims of your community, that has brought you here. May Allah accept your concern and make your coming here a success.  

What is Maktab?

A Maktab is a place where students learn the basic necessary education of Deen and Islam. They learn Quran, Hadith, Aqidah, Fiqh and the practical way of performing the obligatory actions required in Islam. As our prophet mentions: "Seeking knowledge is a duty upon all Muslims" They learn about Faith, Worship, honest dealings, good social conduct and good etiquettes and manners. In a nutshell, they learn to be a practicing Muslim.

How to Start Maktab
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How to start a Maktab in your Masjid?

Request a demo by calling Shariah Board of New York (SBNY.org) at (718) 426-3454. A Mufti Sahab will come and give a FREE demo in your Masjid. You as a Masjid Representative will have to invite the Masjid Committee and Musallies.

Flyer - Organized Daily Maktab Program
Daily Maktab - Registration Form
Categorizing Student Level
Maintain Maktab
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How to maintain your Makatb?

Teacher, Parents, Masjid Representative have to work as a team to maintain Maktab successfully. Teachers have to complete daily task list (as provided below). Parents have to fulfill the responsibilities list in file below. Masjid Representatives have to overlook all activities including exam, reports, Salah chart.

Daily Tasks for Muallim
Maktab Parents Responsibilities
Maktab Student Report Card
Star Chart Rules
Student Assessment Booklet
Grow Maktab
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How to Grow Maktab in your city

Visit neighborhood houses for potential students. Explain to the parents the necessity of Maktab to safeguard their deen. If necessary take the Maktab Book with you to show them the subjects you will teach.

Object of Maktab

Our object is to create a nation who fear Allah and have proper Islamic upbringing. We want them to become such a role model, that others seeing them should have the urge to come into Islam. We want our students and every Muslims to have total success in this world and the hereafter.

History of Maktabs

The methodology of teaching the Muslim children Islam and Iman has been through Maktabs in the past. History shows that, nations which gave importance to Maktabs still hold firm to their Islam till today, where as those who failed to do so no longer exist.

Start your own Maktab

In-sha-Allah in a few steps we will show you how you can become a means of establishing a Maktab (Islamic learning center) in your very own locality. As our object is the creation and quality control of Maktabs in all the Muslim areas, in order to make that happen successfully, a cluster of 10-15 Maktabs need to be organized in each region. This will ensure that a Supervisor can be appointed to monitor the quality. So bear in mind that your efforts must continue until that target can be reached. May Allah accept it from you and give you all the rewards this Maktab will fetch till the day of Qiyamah.

Become a teacher

If you wish to become a Maktab teacher then the only requirement is to be a practicing Islamic Scholar, as students follow the teacher more than the content of the book, and have correct Tajweed (Arabic pronunciation).


To make the Maktabs as efficient as possible and fun for the students a very beautiful and systematic method is implemented. Yearly admission, weekly prizes for good performance, monthly quizzes, 3 major exams a year followed by parent' s meetings, uniform, ID cards and bags, and finally the year ends with an annual graduation ceremony.


We use a syllabus designed by great scholars with experience in teaching Islam to the youth.  It is a 12-year program made with the intention of keeping our Muslim youth connected to the Masjid till the end of their school. All five important subjects such as Qur'an, Hadith, Aqaaid and Masaail, Tarbiyah (Practical application of Deen), and Arabic language has been covered in this syllabus. Special attention has been given to the 5-important branch of Islam; Iman (Faith), Ibadah (Worship), Mu'amalah (Honest dealings), Mu'asharah (Good social conduct), and Akhlaq (Good characters and manners). All 5 subjects are compiled in a single book, 1 book per school year.

Method of teaching

As time is the most valuable thing in our life, we try to ensure maximum benefit is obtained in the minimum amount of time. For this reason, we have implemented the collective learning system. Here the teacher teaches collectively at first, then he makes the students teach each other collectively. He also makes students correct each other's mistakes, thereby making them very strong in their subjects. Encouragement is used with affection to bring the students upon practice of their knowledge.


To ensure that all the established Maktabs are functioning and operating at a good standard the supervision structure is distributed into multiple layers. The first layer of supervision is done by the Maktab principal daily, then weekly progress is followed up by the Maktab Representative, and finally a monthly detailed review is done by the Mu'awin (Supervisor). Once a week the community also sits to make concern on how all the Muslims of the locality can join the Maktab.